Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I Spend My Money On

Mostly, I just spend my money on clothes. I love online shopping, and I'm the first to admit that I'm a little addicted. Once in a while, I just go online and buy new clothes to go with the seasons. Technically, I don't spend my money because my mom makes me put my money in the bank, but I spend my parents money. You can't take away my shopping.

Other than clothes, I don't really spend my money on anything, but if I could, I would buy headphones. I want a pair of sparkly Beatz, and I also want an Iphone. Later in high school, I might get an Iphone, but probably not. I spend my money on candy too. My favorite kind of candy is sour Skittles, but I really like any type of sour candy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Before and After



I chose this picture because it was already pretty, but I wanted to try to make it better, and I believe I achieved this goal. First, I autocorrected the photo which made it have highlighted colors. Then, I decided that was too happy for what I was going for, so I tinted it so it was black and white. Using the move tool where you can move pieces of the picture to another place, I created a distorted look. Beauty is not what it looks like, but from the inside. The rain makes the white dots create the affect that it's snowing.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Online Learning

I believe online learning is a lot more efficient than a teacher being here. Students learn responsibility because no teacher is behind their back telling them to do this assignment at this time. We would also be able to move at our own pace instead of being slowed down by others or speed up. Teachers would also have the freedom of just relaxing instead of worrying about your students being up to speed with the lesson and on time with their assignments. Freedom of learning would make students more interested in learning about what they want to do.
I don't like that students would be held accountable for not being able to reach online access. Schools would probably make exceptions for kids like this, but it would be an inconvenience for the student. I also don't like if you don't understand the assignment online, then you don't have a teacher to be able to tell you what to do, so it's good to have a teacher in the classroom, but they would not have to teach. Sometimes teachers ramble on in class which takes away from our learning time and our homework time. Having online classes would help cut down on class time while learning the same amount.